13 May Happy Mother’s Day
I so clearly remember the moment I became a mother. I had never changed a nappy before and had never even held a newborn. There were so many things that I was afraid of and felt so unprepared for, but in those first few hours of motherhood, the emotions that outweighed the anxiety was an overwhelming joy and a love so strong it somehow gave me the confidence I needed for this new role of mine.
For three and a half years I’ve been mother to two of God’s most precious gifts. I can change nappies with my eyes closed, make multiple meals at the same time, bath and dress two kids in record speed and make ouchies disappear in a single kiss. As moms, we are so much to so many, we do so much more than we ever thought we were capable of and yet we still so often feel we are falling short. We feel we are not doing enough, not giving enough, not loving enough at the very same time that we feel that we have absolutely no more to give.
We too quickly forget that it’s not about all that we do, but all that He has already done for us. We aren’t perfect, we’ll never be perfect. It’s not about being perfect, it’s not a competition to be the best. It’s about knowing that in our weaknesses and imperfections, God is our strength, God is our refuge and He is our healer. He alone is perfection. Clothed in His grace we can take on motherhood knowing that we’ve got God on our side every step of the way – through the mess, through the sadness and in all the joy. That is definitely a promise worth celebrating this Mother’s Day!
Posted at 14:05h, 20 MayA beautiful post about mothers, Donna. I hope you are enjoying your new lifestyle.